A Prayer for Those Tired of Serving in Church
Hearing the call to serve is only half the battle. Once we slip into the shoes we were meant to fill, the journey continues to twist and...
Why Does Belief in God Matter?
There is a litany of other practical reasons to acknowledge a God greater than yourself, and they apply as much for the knights of old as...
The Pastor's Wife's Greatest Ministry
“Let the wife see that she reverence her husband” (Ephesians 5:33). A pastor’s wife’s greatest ministry is to her husband first, and her...
8 Reasons the Church Is the Greatest Force On Earth
The Church is the most magnificent concept ever created. It has survived persistent abuse, horrifying persecution, and widespread...
The Battle Scars of Ministry Life
“From now on let no one cause trouble for me, for I bear on my body the brand-marks of Jesus” (Galatians 6:17). “…I bear branded on my...
Is it Okay to Tithe My Time Instead of My Money?
Let’s set the scene: You attend church, read your Bible, and try your best to follow Jesus—you even tithe regularly. But money’s been...
When a Minister's Wife Gets Disappointed
The phrase, “Don’t let the disappointment in a ‘few’ keep you from loving the ‘many’,” comes from a chapter in my book, 10 Things Every...