August 3, 1943
February 25,2002
The Saint Ben Solomon Donelson Memorial Institute
Dr. Mrs. Marie Gross Ranson
Academic Dean
The Late Ben Solomon Donelson is the father of the Bishop Lee Donelson Sr.
Deacon Ben served his local church and community most of his adult life. He married Ms Marie Jones in 1960 and this union were born 3 children, one which died as an infant. This changed his life for the better in that his wife was a committed young christian woman faithful to her church. He soon after the death of his baby girl joined his wife's church, recommitting his life to the Lord and the Church. He became a faithful member of his local church and served in various capacities throughout his life. He took his family to church faithfully and was an example to his two boys that a genuine life with Jesus Christ was the most important endeavor of life and living.
This Institute is the Educational Department of Agape Christian Ministries.
The Seminars, leadership development Courses along with the School of Ministry is administered through this department.
Continuing Christian Education Units
Agape Christian Ministries International is committed to Empowering Believers to Service in Christ through the local church, the Body of Christ and the Community. The Annual Feast and Annual Holy Convocations are events where we as an organization and team player provide wholesome spiritual teaching, mentoring and certification on every level. It is the avenue in which we fulfill the command of the Great Commission: "teaching them to observe all things, whatsoever I (Jesus) have commanded you." We provide CCEU's to all seminars and workshops per attendance requirement.

The School of Ministry (SOM)
The SOM is the Subsidiary which provides the Bible and practical ministry courses needed to fulfill the educational requirements for ministry credentials with ACMI. It is through this Department that all licensing (Local & District) certifications along with Clergy Ordination are reviewed and awarded per requirement. The Assessment Committee, Board of Ministerial Studies and Board of Ministerial Credentials are the Final Authority in this Department.