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Here is an opportunity to do something that will


Impact The Community!


Help Us Make A Difference


There are many ways to volunteer,

from door to door evangelism to hosting fundraising events.




    Here are ways you can help:

Host A
Small Group Study

As believers, we all need to be accountable to one another for our words, our thoughts, and our choices, and our actions.  No matter the size of the congregation, being able to do life together--with all of its ups and downs, struggles and celebrations, questions and answers, order and chaos---is what God intended when He created the world.


Here are a few Powerful Benefits of a Small Group Ministry:

1.  Life change happens best in small      groups.

2.  Small groups make churches              personal.

3.  Small groups provide a nearly               unlimited leadership development       pipeline.

4.  "Come over to my house" is a                 much easier invitation than "come        with me to church."


It's a pretty common mistake to think of volunteering as just something nice that people can do.  Sure it may make them feel great about helping, but what impact does it really have?


Volunteers have an enormous impact on the health and well-being of communities worldwide.

  • Volunteers deliver critical services --from serving as fire-fighters or partiicpating in search and rescue, to delivering meals to homebound people.

  • Volunteers help to keep our communities, streets, parks, rivers, and water clean and safe for everyone.

  • Volunteers educate the public on health and safety and the like.


​You get the idea!

Donations help us to do what we do for the world around us,  All of our events and functions in the Body of Christ and the world cost us financially.  Your contribution "Send Go."  It is you sponoring us as we endeavor to serve the Lord through service to others in the world and the Body of Christ.  Help us Help OTHERS!




Join the Ministry Campaign

 Bishop Lee Donelson

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