The Reverend James Ruffin
Pastor, The Sounds of A New Beginning Church Ministries
"Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands (Psalms 90:17)." Clearly the favor of God rest upon you, a servant of the Most High God! May He continue to bless your hands and make additional room for your gift, which is teaching others to serve with passion and conviction!

The Most Reverend D'Anthony Towns
Senior Pastor, Godworthy Ministries Worship Center of Bakersfield, CA.
Bishop has a love for the brethren and has gone out of his way, even to the point of facing adversity, to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is zealous for the equipping of the saints. He, and his lovely wife, Michelle, welcomed me into their home and their hearts. They have been a loving example of Christ to me. Bishop is a man of faith and strong convictions.

The Reverend Luellen Meadows
Associate Pastor, Mt. Sinai Baptist Church Mattapan, MA.
Bishop Donelson and his wife, Lady Michelle exemplies through Agape Christian Ministries an excellent example of true christian ministry. He is the essence of a man sent from God. Bishop's no-none sense, no compromising approach has taken ministry to a whole new level.

Elder David Wilson
Pastor, New Mt. Calvary Worship & Praise Tabernacle
My wife and I are good friends with Apostle Donelson and Lady Michelle, he is a God-sent Man of God doing the works of God. I am encouraged with his example of keeping the faith and walking in God's Word. God bless you my brother!